
Official Lucid Documentation, based on gitbook.

High performance and distributed KV store accessible through an HTTP API. 🦀

About Lucid ᵏᵛ


Lucid is currently in a development stage but we want to achieve a fast, secure and distributed key-value store accessible through an HTTP API, we also want to propose persistence, encryption, WebSocket streaming, replication and a lot of features.

Some Uses Cases: Private Keys Storing, IoT (to collect and save statistics data), Distributed Cache, Service Discovery, Distributed Configuration, Blob Storage etc.

Getting Started

Get the latest binary from the releases page and run these commands:

$ ./lucid init
$ ./lucid server

Or run a node with Docker, but you need to create a lucid.yml file locally before.

$ docker pull lucidkv/lucid
$ docker run -v lucid.yml:/etc/lucid/lucid.yml lucidkv/lucid

{% page-ref page="getting-started.md" %}

Some Use Cases

  • Private Keys Storage (for a wallet by example)
  • IoT: collect and save statistics data
  • A distributed cache for an application
  • Service Discovery
  • Distributed Configuration
  • Blob Storage

About Development

Lucid is Written in Rust 🦀, initiated by Clint.Network and published under the MIT License.

Name / Nickname Email Role
Clint Mourlevat me@clint.network Core Development
Jonathan Serra jonathan@blocs.fr Core Development
CephalonRho CephalonRho@gmail.com Core Development
Rigwild me@rigwild.dev Web UI Development

Contribute to Lucid

See CONTRIBUTING.md for best practices and instructions on setting up your development environment to work on Lucid.

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