PROJECT NAME is an app for students that need a dynamic and fun method to study, creating flashcards with questions and answers.

MOTIVATION AND DESCRIPTION We have found that it's necessary to learn in a fun way, so we decided to create an different way of learning, by making your own questions and answers in flashcards practicing any subject. We know that there are several ways to learn something,but by creating your own flashcards, you are free to choose the best way for you. Our app will have a unique feature, which is the ability to customize the questions and answers, in different subjects.


  • Be able to create the questions and answers in different subjects.
  • The ability to create an account to measure progress and save it.
  • There will be a "go back" button to go subjects page.
  • There will be a timer to give specific time to answer the question.
  • There will be the posibility to create as many subjects,questions and answers as you want.
  • There will be a minimum of 5 required questions to start playing with the flashcards

Navigate with a sidebar with menu USERFLOW-ON TRELLO DATABASE-