Official code for the paper "LucidDreamer: Domain-free Generation of 3D Gaussian Splatting Scenes".
- AlexMorgandParis
- brandy2015XYZTech
- camenduruđ„Ș
- cj0596
- cruise0VIA
- denghilbertCornell University
- DhlinVUniversity of California, Los Angeles
- fly51flyPRIS
- giglrgiglr
- hdsm0oo
- hysts
- ironjrSeoul National University
- jaidevshriramUniveristy of California, San Diego
- jgkwak95Innerverz AI
- kingkong135
- lcolok
- leviLos Angeles, CA
- LingzheZhaoWestlake University
- LiXinghui-666Tsinghua University
- lizhiqi49Zhejiang University & Westlake University
- MinisalTeleAI
- modoneer
- noirmistHCI Lab
- nux1111
- pablodawson@Touchly
- pixelxzen
- robot0321
- robxx
- SamirMahmudzade
- skrya
- SmashinFries@KuzuLabz
- snakajimammhmm, swipe, VideoShader
- StarRealManThe Hongkong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
- StartHua
- YixunLiangHKUST(GZ)
- zatt