
A simple neovim plugin to encrypt and decrypt sops files

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


nvim-sops is a lua plugin for neovim that wraps the SOPS commandline tool.

It was partly inspired by the vscode extension by sinageos though it does not yet implement any of the realtime editing features and automatic creation features.


  • Exposes SopsEncrypt and SopsDecrypt commands that can be used in neovim or bound to keymaps
  • These commands perform an in-place encryption or decryption, saving and refreshing the buffer
  • It is possible to add settings to override your AWS_PROFILE, SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE or GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS within neovim
  • It also has a debug option to print much more information


  • The plugin expects you to have the sops commandline tool. You can get it here: https://github.com/mozilla/sops/releases
  • It expects the binary to be on your $PATH, but optionally it can set a custom path in the opts
  • It also expects you to have your preferred key set up, but it leans on the env vars to get this


  event = { 'BufEnter' },
  opts = {
    -- your configuration comes here
    -- or leave it empty to use the default settings
    -- refer to the configuration section below
use {
  config = function()
    require('nvim_sops').setup {
      -- your configuration comes here
      -- or leave it empty to use the default settings
      -- refer to the configuration section below


nvim-sops comes with the following defaults

    enabled = true
    debug = false
    binPath = 'sops' -- assumes its on $PATH
    defaults = { -- overriding any env vars as needed
        awsProfile = 'AWS_PROFILE',
        ageKeyFile = 'SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE',
        gcpCredentialsPath = 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS',


nvim-sops doesnt come with any default keybindings, it only has the vim commands.

Personally, I use the following keys and include them in my lazy.nvim definition above

  keys = {
    { '<leader>ef', vim.cmd.SopsEncrypt, desc = '[E]ncrypt [F]ile' },
    { '<leader>df', vim.cmd.SopsDecrypt, desc = '[D]ecrypt [F]ile' },