This is an example graphql endpoint packaged as a aws lambda function deployed to an aws api gateway. All the infrastructure required is provisioned using terraform, only thing you need to use this is your AWS credentials.
The code is structured to hold more than one lambda function. i.e. Currently the src/ folder contains only graphql folder. You can add additional lambda functions, and modify the if needed.
The sample here does not use terraform backend configuration. For production, it is advisable to use a backend like S3.
Make sure you have installed terraform & zip installed.
export TF_VAR_aws_access_key=yourawsaccesskey
export TF_VAR_aws_secret_key=yourawssecretkey
export TF_VAR_region=awsregion
yarn run graphql-server
If you wish to change names of variables, for example, path or name of api etc, review But not mandatory.
Run the following command.
yarn run test-deploy
You should see the url where the deployment is available. Take a note of that and use in the following steps to test it.
Just browse to the url path output you received in the previous step
//_url_ is the url you received while running the script.
curl -X POST _url_ -d '{"query": "{users{firstName} }" }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Select Method as POST in the dropdown list.
Query String, provide the following
query= "{users{firstName} }"
Headers, provide the following,
Content-Type: application/json
Click Test button.