Implementation of Imagen, Google's Text-to-Image Neural Network, in Pytorch
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Questions about Text-to-Image training
#380 opened by xiaoxiaodadada - 1
Backward problem with using DDP
#375 opened by clearlyzero - 2
Any specific reason sampling is not in FP16?
#377 opened by danbochman - 3
#355 opened by nwoyecid - 2
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Why not using CLIP ?
#328 opened by axel588 - 1
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Question about Classifier-free Guidance
#343 opened by lucala - 0
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Samples after training only contain white noise.
#347 opened by Valerie9696 - 0
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Why concatenate lowres before last conv?
#369 opened by ifeherva - 0
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Triton Python 3.10 and up
#366 opened by Jammers33 - 0
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text prompts
#364 opened by Shikamaru5 - 0
Question about reproducing training images using respective training texts
#362 opened by AhmedGamal411 - 2
Question about retraining/fine-tuning EncoderModel with new words in `t5.get_tokenizer()`
#358 opened by Kevin7720 - 0
how ta activate shuffle for DataLoader?
#361 opened by TheZaind - 0
Question about ConnectionError
#360 opened by aoyang-hd - 1
Correct Way to train both unets
#354 opened by gauravbyte - 3
Assert prevents mixed_precision?
#357 opened by mattmisk - 8
Pretrained Model
#327 opened by wyfzka - 1
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App para contratar servicios de eventos
#353 opened by Vaalaadeez - 1
Distributed Training Gets Stuck?
#339 opened by pjspol - 3
GPU memory usage VS GPU utilization
#348 opened by kirilllzaitsev - 0
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Visualization of the network
#349 opened by kirilllzaitsev - 1
How many images I need to generate an fine model
#346 opened by liulwx - 1
Can anyone reproduce the results of the paper?
#344 opened by dreamlychina - 2
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Seek for advice to reproduce Gen-1
#333 opened by liuquande - 0
No such file or directory
#342 opened by lijain - 2
Inpainting with Videos (UNET3D)
#338 opened by matvogel - 2
Partial ignore time causes increased memory usage
#320 opened by HReynaud - 0
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multiple values for unet_number
#335 opened by Shikamaru5 - 0
#334 opened by Shikamaru5 - 2
Text to video no Attentions layers
#332 opened by axel588 - 1
Little issue, No module named 'lion_pytorch'
#330 opened by axel588 - 2
ElucidatedImagen no text conditionning
#329 opened by axel588 - 1
Loss flattens out after 50k training steps
#324 opened by alif-munim - 0
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does image_embed_dim do anything?
#318 opened by jaded0 - 0
Veryyy slow on 16x16, Text to Image, Training
#317 opened by axel578