
FT_Transformer - Attention weights

peterlee18 opened this issue · 6 comments

Thanks for these models. The FT_transformer is working well. Is there a way to extract the attention weights from the model. I understand these can be used to get feature importance.

@peterlee18 glad to hear it is working well! hope it is not too late, but you can now return all the attention maps by passing in return_attn = True on forward as so

@peterlee18 that is really interesting

if i find some more time, i'll improve on FT transformer with some of the latest findings, see if i can tip it over the edge

@peterlee18 how much data are you working with? (if you are allowed to say)

@peterlee18 that's really cool! at my last job i did a lot of work with GBMs (training and deploying xgboost models mainly) and they were really hard to beat

glad to hear you were able to get competitive performance using attention!