Fabric-based framework for deploying and managing SolrCloud clusters in the cloud.
- acmcelwee@datadotworld
- akestnerAmazon Web Services
- arafalovMontreal, Canada
- bartdegoedePerplexity AI
- cmheiselSquare
- cpliakasGreater Boston Area
- dapurv5@amazon-science
- dbragaTrulia
- dgreene3p3Pillar Global
- dhorbach
- dougmcclureIBM
- dsmiley@salesforce
- dustrider
- faabiosr@newstore
- gazoza
- haydo
- imfangs
- jcampo-cloudera
- leoh
- maczpcBaidu, Inc.
- markrmillerApache
- mrtWild West on the Left Coast
- nicolasembletonHo Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- nnguyenBay Area, CA
- pinoystartup
- pvelaethernerve
- ralph-ticeKentik
- Ramzi-AlqrainyThe Chefz
- risdenk@o19s and @apache
- seralfserendipity expert
- shalinmangarStripe
- smalldirector
- stephlag@n26
- stetzer
- thphamLausanne
- treyhydeIrvine, CA