A Discord Bot, using the Discord.py API

Primary LanguagePython


A Discord Bot, using the Discord.py API


  uptime     Displays the bot's uptime.
  ping       Replies with Pong! (For testing purposes)
  join       Summons the bot to a specific voice channel.
  pause      Pauses the currently played song.
  play       Plays a song. Can be a YouTube URL or search.
  playing    Displays the currently played song.
  resume     Resumes the currently played song.
  skip       Vote to skip a song.
  stop       Stops the current song and clears queue.
  summon     Summons the bot to your voice channel.
  volume     Sets the volume.
  serverinfo Displays server information.
​No Category:
  help       Shows this message.

Type $help command for more info on a command.
You can also type $help category for more info on a category.```