Exact Sampler for Universally Quantified FO2 (UFO2) and Extensions

Exact sampler for UFO2 with tree and cardinality constraints. This tool is for randomly generation of instances or combinatorical structures from extended UFO2 theory.

Input format

  • Markov Logic Network (MLN) format, also see Pracmln
  • Tree constraint: Tree[R]
  • Cardinality constraint: |P| = k

Example input file

A friends-smokes MLN:

person = {C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6}

3 smokes(x)
// NOTE: only support CNF for now
1 !friends(x,y) v !smokes(x) v smokes(y) # i.e., friends(x,y) ^ smokes(x) => smokes(y). 

2 colored tree:

vertex = 9
E(vertex, vertex)

!E(x,y) v E(y,x).
red(x) v black(x).
!red(x) v !black(x).
(!E(x,y) v !red(x) v !red(y)) ^ (!E(x,y) v !black(x) v !black(y)).

2 red-black tree with exact k red vertices:

vertex = 9
E(vertex, vertex)

!E(x,y) v E(y,x).
red(x) v black(x).
!red(x) v !black(x).
(!E(x,y) v !red(x) v !red(y)) ^ (!E(x,y) v !black(x) v !black(y)).
|a| = 4

More examples are in models


Install requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Add path to your PYTHONPATH:

$ export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/sampling_ufo2:$PYTHONPATH

How to use

Run the following command:

$ python sampling_ufo2/sampler.py -i models/friendsmoker.mln -k 10

Find more arguments:

$ python sampling_ufo2/sampler.py -h


Yuanhong Wang, Timothy van Bremen, Yuyi Wang and Ondřej Kuželka. Domain-Lifted Sampling for Universal Two-Variable Logic and Extensions. AAAI 2022

Compared with the original algorithm in the paper, this repo implements a faster version, incorporating efficient caching, see algorithm discription for details.