
CLI tool to ace competitive programming contests. 🔥 🥇 👨‍💻 💻

Primary LanguagePython


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A CLI tool to ace Competitive Programming Contests.

Mostly, the time of a competitive programmer is wasted in compiling, adding inputs, and debugging. Typing commands again and again wastes time, which we cannot afford during a contest.

Codemon takes care of everything else so that you only focus on writing correct code and implementing complex algorithms.

Note: Codemon currently supports C++ only.

How to install ?

Make sure you have pip, python and setuptools installed.

  • To install setuptools, use pip install setuptools

  • Type git clone https://github.com/ankingcodes/codemon.git to clone the package

  • Type cd codemon

  • Type sudo python3 setup.py install

  • Type sudo python setup.py bdist_wheel

  • Install the package locally using pip install .

    This command will place codemon executable at /usr/local/bin so that it can be executed anywhere.

  • Type codemon and you are ready to go.

CLI - commands

codemon init <contestName>

This creates a directory with the name of the contest and creates 6 .cpp files as per contests in CodeForces. You can also create a file with custom name and start listening to it immediately using the command as follows:

codemon init -n <fileName>

Copy your inputs for a respective coding question to the input.txt file.

codemon listen 

Type this command inside the directory of the contest(cd contestName). It will start listening for changes in any of the files. Make changes to any of the .cpp files and save it. As soon as a file is saved, codemon recognizes it, compiles it and produces output corresponding to the input.txt file.

Works flawlessly with VSCode.


Don't hesitate to create issues and PRs for improving codemon. All contributions are welcome