R4DS JavaScript for Data Science Book Club

Welcome to the R4DS JavaScript for Data Science Book Club!

We are working together to read JavaScript for Data Science by Maya Gans, Toby Hodges, and Greg Wilson (copyright January 2020). If you would like a print version, please consider purchasing it using our Amazon Affiliates link. All profits from purchases through that link go toward maintaining the R4DS Online Learning Community. Join the #book_club-js4ds channel on the R4DS Slack to participate. As we read, we are producing notes about the book.

Meeting Schedule

If you would like to present, please see the sign-up sheet for your cohort (linked below, and pinned in the #book_club-js4ds channel on Slack)!

How to Present

This repository is structured as a {bookdown} site. To present, follow these instructions:

Do these steps once:

  1. Setup Git and GitHub to work with RStudio (click through for detailed, step-by-step instructions; I recommend checking this out even if you're pretty sure you're all set).
  2. usethis::create_from_github("r4ds/bookclub-js4ds") (cleanly creates your own copy of this repository).

Do these steps each time you present another chapter:

  1. Open your project for this book.
  2. usethis::pr_init("my-chapter") (creates a branch for your work, to avoid confusion, making sure that you have the latest changes from other contributors; replace my-chapter with a descriptive name, ideally).
  3. devtools::install_dev_deps() (installs any packages used by the book that you don't already have installed).
  4. Edit the appropriate chapter file, if necessary. Use ## to indicate new slides (new sections).
  5. If you use any packages that are not already in the DESCRIPTION, add them. You can use usethis::use_package("myCoolPackage") to add them quickly!
  6. Build the book! ctrl-shift-b (or command-shift-b) will render the full book, or ctrl-shift-k (command-shift-k) to render just your slide. Please do this to make sure it works before you push your changes up to the main repo!
  7. Commit your changes (either through the command line or using Rstudio's Git tab).
  8. usethis::pr_push() (pushes the changes up to github, and opens a "pull request" (PR) to let us know your work is ready).
  9. (If we request changes, make them)
  10. When your PR has been accepted ("merged"), usethis::pr_finish() to close out your branch and prepare your local repository for future work.
  11. Now that your local copy is up-to-date with the main repo, you need to update your remote fork. Run gert::git_push("origin") or click the Push button on the Git tab of Rstudio.

When your PR is checked into the main branch, the bookdown site will rebuild, adding your slides to this site.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the bookclub-js4ds project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.