Projects with Mgtr. Evelyn Gutierrez
I've included in this GitHub repository some of the projects I've had to work in, as a research assistant of Mgtr. Evelyn Gutierrez.
Disclaimer: These first two projects would have been uploaded online, but the confidentiality nature of the data they deal with does not allow fur such a thing (besides the usual Shiny's uploading method not working for these projects in particular). Therefore, a short video has been included for each respective project, showcasing its functionalities.
- Statistics course survey
A group of statistics students was surveyed about things like,
"age", "english level", "Do you enjoy reading?", "Do you like playing sports?",
etc. The objective of the analysis was to determine which of the variables present
in the data were the best predictors for the number of hours a week that a surveyee
spends studying; and, which variables in the dataset best predict if the surveyee
enjoys learning Statistics.
In order to achieve such goals, logistic regression was used, besides stepwise, backward and forward regression.
- Dashboard for patients' data
As a part of Mgtr. Evelyn's doctoral thesis, medical data was collected from a variety
of patients. The goal of this project was to create a dashboard which summarizes certain
properties of the patients' data (which increased over time), in order to facilitate its
future analysis and make decisions about how the data collection process needed to be altered.
Besides this, the dashboard will be used to interactively look for patterns in the data collected, via regression analysis of a variety of variable pairs.