Create documentation using Jazzy 📃📃

Table content:

  1. Install Jazzy.
  2. Configuration using .jazzy.yaml file.
  3. Document your source code.
  4. Upload to document.
  5. Note

1. Install Jazzy

  • Open terminal and run [sudo] gem install jazzy.

    If your got any problems during install Jazzy please refer by the link below:
  • After finish above step please go to your root project directory and then run: jazzy without any arguments for start creating your document.

( You can try to verify xcodebuild first, if everything going well then your jazzy command should succeed too )

  • Jazzy will start building and give you the following report like the image below (If everything succeed):

  • Jazzy will create the docs folder by default. It's contains all the source to create our document. You can try to run the index.html to get the result.

  • You can config your jazzy build options in configuration file .jazzy.yaml ( We take this step in next section ). All config options available and can check by following command jazzy --help config

2. Configuration using .jazzy.yaml file.

Jazzy support us with many of configuration options to build our document. Below is some simple and common options that we will use to config and customize our document:

  • Create .jazzy.yaml in your root project directory

  • Put the config content below into .jazzy.yaml you just created.

clean: true #Clean everything before generate new docs

module: PhotoSDK #Project module name. You can find this module name from your project's Building Setting at Product Module Name field.

theme: fullwidth #Choose your theme. Jazzy support 3 default theme following Apple, Fullwidth, Jony

skip_undocumented: false #Skip everything in your source code that not documented yet

readme: #README file name

output: docs/SaleSDKInterfaceDocument #Where you want to put your document

min_acl: public #Access Control level to document (private/ fileprivate/ internal/ public)

documentation: Documentation/*.md #The folder to get your markdown's documents

undocumented_text: Document for this field will be update soon 😍😍😍 #Custom undocumented description text

hide_documentation_coverage: false

sdk: iphone #The SDK you should use for building your document (iphone,watch,appletv)
xcodebuild_arguments: #Support build with xcodebuild, so you can modify your xcodebuild's arguments
  - -workspace
  - Github Repository.xcworkspace
  - -scheme
  - Github Repository
author: Est Rouge Mobile Team
custom_categories: #Custom category help you to arrange and replace the default order from Jazzy.
  - name: Gettings Started
      - Gettings Started
  - name: Domain Provider
      - UseCasesProviderPlatform
  - name: Domain Usecases
      - AuthenticationUseCase
      - PhotoUseCase
      - UseCasesProvider
  - name: Domain Models
      - AccessToken
      - Photo
      - PhotoAttribute
      - PhotoSource
      - PhotosError
      - User
      - UserProfileSource
  - name: Common Extensions
      - KingfisherManager
      - ObservableType
      - Reactive

For more config options and their use please run jazzy --help config command.

Beside config with jazzy.yaml you can attach the arguments when running jazzy command. ex: jazzy --theme=jony.

You can also create some Makefile to help your life more easier. ex:

	@jazzy \
				--clean [yes] \
				--copyright 'Copyright - EstRouge Mobile Team' \
        --min-acl public \
        --no-hide-documentation-coverage \
        --theme fullwidth \
        --output ./docs/public_api_document \
				--documentation=./*.md \
				--module 'PhotoSDK' \
				--author 'EstRouge Mobile Team'
				@rm -rf ./build

					@jazzy \
				        --min-acl internal \
				        --no-hide-documentation-coverage \
				        --theme fullwidth \
				        --output ./docs/sdk_document \
								@rm -rf ./build

3. Document your source code.

  • As we know that XCode support for Markup that including Markdown for documentation our source. Jazzy support to generate everything that we comment and document in our codebase.

Please take a look at example below:

/// Authentication flow Interface.
/// This interface describe the full flow follwing OAUTH 2.0 protocol to get a User's AccessToken
public protocol AuthenticationUseCase {

    /// The Url request to redirect to login page for authentication
    var oauthRedirect: Observable<URLRequest> { get }

    /// Return an Access Token after request
    /// - Parameter code: The Code returned from **Open Authen** process
    /// - Returns: Return an Access Token after request
    func accessToken(code: String) -> Observable<AccessToken>

    /// Detect the authen code after **Login Process**
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - param: Param want to get the value
    ///   - resultUrl: the redirect URI return from result
    /// - Returns: Value Code for get **Access Token**
    func openAuthen(param: String, resultUrl: URL) -> Observable<String>
  • Jazzy will generate everything like below (depend on your template) with all of your comments and documents from your source code:

4. Upload your document.

5. Note.

  • Jazzy will warning us if it find any Generic type during build time. Just ignore these warning.

  • Jazzy also generate the .docset file for integrate with supported app like Dash. 😊