
🤖 Vue components to build webforms looking like a conversation

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

🧐 Why?

Forget the boring and non-intuitive forms. With talquei you can quickly build fantastic forms as in the image above.

💻 Install

Install using your package manager:

$ yarn add talquei

Add into your app:

import Vue from 'vue'
import Talquei from 'talquei'

// import the styles 
import 'talquei/dist/talquei.min.css'


Or import into your component:

import { Talquei, TalqueiMessage } from 'talquei'

export default {
  components: {

⚙️ Usage

The Talquei component should wrapper any TalqueiMessage:

    <TalqueiMessage text="Hi! My name is Talquei!" />
    <TalqueiMessage text="I'm a plugin to help you." />

Request user input

You can request a user entry by prop or slot. The prop will basically inject your tag into a form and fill the entry in the v-model.

    <TalqueiMessage text="What's your name?" />
      :input="{ tag: 'text', placeholder: 'Enter your name' }"

export default {
  data: () => ({
    name: ''

Format user input

When the user enters the text, you can format it using the prop template:

      :input="{ tag: 'text', placeholder: 'Enter your name' }"
      template="My name is {text}"

Predefined answers

If you need predefined answers (such as the select or radio tag) you can set input.type = 'select' and pass your object in the options field:

    <TalqueiMessage text="Which front-end framework do you prefer?" />
      :input="{ tag: 'select', options: frameworks }"

export default {
  data: () => ({
    frameworks: {
      vue: 'Vue.js',
      angular: 'AngularJS',
      ember: 'Ember.js'

Conditional messages

Use when you want the v-if attribute to display conditional messages:

    <TalqueiMessage text="Which front-end framework do you prefer?" />
      :input="{ tag: 'select', options: frameworks }"
    <TalqueiMessage text="What plugins do you usually use in your projects?" />
      v-if="answer === 'vue'"
      :input="{ tag: 'text', placeholder: 'talquei' }"

Using slots

If you need to build more complex input (like validations, custom components) you can use slots. After the completion remeber to call the next() method from the Talquei component.

  <Talquei ref="talquei">
    <TalqueiMessage text="Hello">
      <form @submit.stop="onSubmit">
        <input ref="input" type="text">

export default {
  methods: {
    onSubmit () {
      this.name = this.$refs.input.value


Talquei component


Name Description Type Default
autoRun Starts the conversation when mounted Boolean true


Name Description
default Insert your TalqueiMessage here. Don't need a root element


init(): void

Use this method to start the conversation if you set autoRun to false.

next(): void

Search the next message. Nested messages will inject this method to call when finalizing typing.

TalqueiMessage component


Name Description Type Default
input Request a user input See details Object undefined
isUser Define as a message written by the user Boolean false
text Text to be displayed, if isUser will not be typed String undefined
value Useful only for use in v-model String undefined
template Formats user input String {text}
input object

Will create a basic form from the tag informed, should not be defined if you prefer to use the slot.

  • tag: Valid tags are currently text or select.
  • options (select): Use this field to define an object with the available options.
  • placeholder (text): Set the placeholder of your input field.
  • type (text): Set the type of your input field. Default is text.


Name Description
default Use this if you need more complex or personalized user input
avatar Change the element used as avatar. Default is "🤖"

🤝 Contribute

If you want to contribute to this project, please see our Contributing Guide.