Unicorn PE is an unicorn based instrumentation project/framework designed to emulate code execution for windows PE files, especially packed ones.
Dump PE image from emu-memory into file, fix import table, especially packed ones.
Partial support for exception. (only #DB and #BP)
Show disasm for all instructions that is being executed.
Feature: x86 (low priority) -- 0%
Visual Studio 2017 are required. Note that you have to install VC++/ATL and WindowsSDK8.1 for VS2017 to be able to compile BlackBone.
Open unicorn_pe.sln with Visual Studio 2017
Build project "unicorn_pe" as x64/Release or x64/Debug. (No x86 support for now)
unicorn_pe (filename or filepath) [-k for kernel mode driver emulation] [-disasm for displaying disasm]
...to be documented
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.
A modification of https://github.com/DarthTon/Blackbone is done for PE manual-mapping.
https://github.com/unicorn-engine/unicorn for emulation.
https://github.com/aquynh/capstone for disasm.