- ID3v2-tag-editor is a command line editor for Id3v2 metadata for audio (MP3) files
- Supported versions: Id3v2.3 and Id3v2.4
- It has two modes of operation (a) Command-line mode (b) Interactive mode
- Supported frames for reading: Text info frames, URL link frames, APIC, PCNT, POPM, USLT, GEOB, MCDI, COMM, USER
- Supported frames for writing: artist, album, title, comments, genre, year, track no, album-art (attached-picture)
- Deletion of frames: (a) Can delete all frames at once. (b) In 'Interactive-mode', can delete individual frames (only that are supported for 'writing')
- Supported flags: 'Unsynchronisation', 'Data length indicator'
- While writing album-art info (APIC frame), image is re-sized to (640,960), to save space
- Multiple (two) levels of verbosity is supported
- In verbose (-vv) mode, to display frames with binary data (APIC, GEOB, MCDI), the data is written into files in local directory. In all other modes, binary data is skipped.
- Most of the user input is parsed as unicode-data, so user can feed information in multiple languages
- The usage is compatible with "id3v2" linux utility
- While modifying a frame, skips writing all other similar frames into output file (It should skip frames with same 'Content type' only)
- Repetition of frames while reading/writing is not checked
- 'Data length indicator' flag is not used while writing frames
- writing and deleting of frames is limited to only few types of frames
- Other frames & flags need to be implemented
usage: id3v2-tag-editor.py [-h] [-v] [-D] [-l] [-t TITLE] [-A ALBUM] [-a ARTIST] [-c COMMENTS_INFO] [-g GENRE] [-y YEAR] [-T TRACK] [-P ALBUM_ART_INFO] [-i] inp_file [inp_file ...]
for more detail usage info type:
./id3v2-tag-editor.py --help
To display all the ID3v2 frames in a file, use option -l or --list.
./id3v2-tag-editor.py -l inp_file
To increase the verbosity of the display, use "-vv" option.
./id3v2-tag-editor.py -l -vv inp_file
To display all the ID3v2 frames in multiple files, add all files to the command-line.
./id3v2-tag-editor.py -l inp_file1 inp_file2 ...
To add/modify title frame of a file, use option -t or --title.
./id3v2-tag-editor.py -t TITLE inp_file
To add/modify album-art-info frame of a file, use option -P or --picture.
./id3v2-tag-editor.py --picture IMAGE inp_file
./id3v2-tag-editor.py -P IMAGE,IMAGE-TYPE,IMAGE-DESCRIPTION inp_file
To add/modify multiple frames of a file, concatenate the options. Refer to "usage" info for all such editable frames.
./id3v2-tag-editor.py -t TITLE -A ALBUM inp_file
To delete all the ID3v2 frames in a file, use option -D or --delete-all.
./id3v2-tag-editor.py -D inp_file
In this mode, user can interactively list, add/modify and delete (all or individual) frames. Can save changes and/or exit at any desired state.
To enter into interactive mode, use option -i or --interactive.
./id3v2-tag-editor.py -i inp_file