
Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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neuro_edit is a neural net viewer, editor and simulator. Nets can be build up by hand, copy&past and also via scripts written in JavaScript (i.e. ECMA script).

It calculates a (3rd gen) spiking neural net model. This means, time and space are incorporated into the calculation. Every single action potential is represented and its propagation along the axon with finite velocity is simulated.

The [Izhikevich](http://www.izhikevich.org/human_brain_simulation/Blue_Brain.htm#models of spiking neurons") neuron model is used to represent neurons.


neuro_edit incorporates also a 2nd gen linear discriminator neuron model. Combining a pool of Izhikevich neurons with a linear discriminator read out neuron, neuro_edit it is able to simulate Liquid State Machines.


To build neuro_edit, you need the following requirements:


In order to build the whole project, change into the cloned directory and say


or open the .pro file with Qt-Creator. If you don't have installed boost and QScintilla to the system's include and lib directories you'll need to give something like

INCLUDEPATH += /path/to/boost/inc /path/to/qscintilla/inc
LIBS += /path/to/boost/lib /path/to/qscintilla/lib

to qmake.