Covid19 API @Nodeflux X Kampus Merdeka
I want to sai Hi to everyone reading this file, especially for Nodeflux's internship selection teams!
- This API was build with Javascript on NodeJS environment with ExpressJS framework
- If you want to access the deployed version of this app, i already deployed this and you can access it direcly on this IP:
This guideline will focusly aim to Linux based operating systems. Any command / step described below might be unsupported / need to be 'translated' to your respective operating system. You can search the equivalent step needed here for your operating system from google search.
- Install Docker
- visit: docker-install
- do every step written there, it's fairly straighforward and so easy to follow
- Clone this repo
- run: cd /your/prefered/dir/to/save/this/repo
- run: git clone
- Build the image
- run: docker build -t covid-api .
- Run the image
- run: docker run -p 3000:3000 -d --name covid-api covid-api
- Access the API server
- open web browser / postman
- send request defined on API CONTRACTS below to: localhost:3000
- Endpoint: '/'
- method: GET
- params: none
- query: none
- response type: application/json
- desc: Returning general information about covid19 case in Indonesia
- example request: curl --location --request GET 'server_url:port/'
- example response:
- extra note: -
- Endpoint: '/yearly
- method: GET
- params: none
- query: since, upto
- response type: application/json
- desc: Returning yearly Covid19 case in Indonesia from year value given in since query until upto query.
- example request: curl --location --request GET 'server_url:port/yearly?since=2020&upto=2023
- example response:
- extra note: You can put any year in query, both in since or upto. But, since Covid19 in Indonesia first detected in 2020, any request with since value lower than 2020, the server will response as if you was requesting for year 2020. The same applied if you request with value in upto higher than current year, the server will adjust the response to only returning the result upto that current year.
If You request like this: curl --location --request GET 'server_url:port//yearly?since=2018&upto=2021', as mention before server fill adjust the response, and give you extra reponse in message to warn you. The sample response will be like this:
- Endpoint: '/yearly/:year
- method: GET
- params: year
- query: none
- response type: application/json
- desc: Get accumulative information in the given year (specified from params)
- example request: curl --location --request GET 'server_url:port/yearly/2020'
- example response:
- extra note: since covid come to Indonesia on 2020, any request with year in params less than 2020 will be treated as if year was 2020. The same will happen if year was more than current year. In that case, result will be accumulative case up to that current year.
- Endpoint: '/monthly'
- method: GET
- params: none
- query: since, upto
- response type: application/json
- desc: Get monthly accumulative Covid19 case in Indonesia from value given in since and upto query
- example request: curl --location --request GET 'server_url:port/monthly?since=2020.8&upto=2020.9'
- example response:
- extra note: Value supplied in both query must represent year and month date. For example, a valid one will be: ?since=2020.08&upto=2020.12. The format for both query is year.month. However, if you supply invalid query, wheter the since year value less than 2020, or the year upto more than this current year, the server will response you back with default query value, for since -> 2020.03, for upto: current_year.current_month
- Endpoint: '/monthly/:year'
- method: GET
- params: year
- query: since, upto
- response type: application/json
- desc: Get monthly data from range given in query, but if there is something wrong in either your query or URL params, the year choosen will be the one supplied in URL params.
- example request: curl --location --request GET 'server_url:port/monthly/2020?since=2020.4&upto=2020.5'
- example response:
- Endpoint: '/monthly/:year/:month'
- method: GET
- params: year, month
- query: none
- response type: application/json
- desc: Get monthly data from date given from year and month
- example request: curl --location --request GET 'server_url:port/monthly/2020/5'
- example response:
- extra note: if value given in year and / or month is invalid, we will give the default value of year is 2020, and the month is 12.
- Endpoint: '/daily'
- method: GET
- params: none
- query: since, upto,
- response type: application/json
- desc: Get daily data about covid case in Indonesia from date value given from since, and upto query.
- example request: curl --location --request GET 'server_url:port/daily'
- example response:
- extra note: If no value or invalid value supplied on since and upto, the server will return daily covid case from first detected up until the last data.
- Endpoint: '/daily/:year'
- method: GET
- params: year
- query: since, upto,
- response type: application/json
- desc: Get daily data about covid case in Indonesia from year value and the value given from since, and upto query.
- example request: curl --location --request GET 'server_url:port/daily/2020'
- example response:
- extra note: If no value or invalid value supplied on year, since and upto, the server will return daily covid case from first day of the year until the last day of the year data.
- Endpoint: '/daily/:year/:month'
- method: GET
- params: year, month
- query: since, upto,
- response type: application/json
- desc: Get daily data about covid case in Indonesia from year and month value and the value given from since, and upto query.
- example request: curl --location --request GET 'server_url:port/daily/2020/5'
- example response:
- extra note: If no value or invalid value supplied on year, since and upto, the server will return daily covid case from first day of the year and month until the last day of the year and month data.
- Endpoint: '/daily/:year/:month/:date'