This app will extract information from SIAKADU which publicly available. This app will also provide utility to extract private information, but will require you to provide username and password of your SIAKADU account.
- Command: image
- Args: NPM
- Result: Images from user with given NPM (if exists)
- Result location: ./result/images/NPM.jpg
- Note: if NPM is not found from SIAKADU server, no result will be created.
- Command: image
- Args: from (NPM) & to (NPM)
- Result: Images from user with NPM in given NPM range (start and to included)
- Result location ./result/images/start-to/NPM
- Note: if NPM in given NPM range is not found from SIAKADU server, no result will be created.
- Command: public-info
- Args: NPM
- Result: profile picture image, and a text containing information
- Result location: ./result/profile/NPM/
- Note: if NPM is not found from SIAKADU server, no result will be created.
- Command: public-info
- Args: from (NPM) & to (NPM)
- Result: profile picture image, and a text containing information
- Result location: ./result/profile/from-to/NPM
- Note: if NPM is not found from SIAKADU server, no result will be created.
- Command: images all
- Result: all publicly available profile image
- Result location: ./images/full-${date}/
- Note: if the NPM is not found, no image will be resulted.