R18 Show you how to fied a litel spider ! 不可描述,謹慎學習。注意身體,不要熬夜
主要包:bs4 urllib3 ...
Throw it into Python 3 + and the knowledge points include: crawling, analysis, file manipulation, multi-threading (pseudo-but really effective).
Change the path by yourself (I did it with Windows subsystem so the address of the source program is'/ mnt /e /...'. If I put it directly into the terminal of LInux, it should still be found in / mnt, then the terminal of Windows will be put in the current directory of the source code).
Other websites are so grabbed, mainly depends on how you understand other people's websites.
Main Mod: bs4 urllib3...
Warning : Please do not use it until you are under eighteen. Refer to other examples of reptiles.
感谢目标源,请各位使用的时候不要太狠给点 Sleep(3)
代号: 采田号挖掘机 目标:锄禾日当午