
Primary LanguageRust


Project Description

cgtool is a command-line tool developed in Rust, using the clap library to wrap the CoinGecko's API. It offers a range of commands for quick access to market cap rankings, real-time prices, and market data of specific tokens, making the analysis and retrieval of cryptocurrency data more direct and efficient.


  • Retrieve real-time price data for a wide range of cryptocurrencies.
  • Access market capitalization, trading volume, and other relevant market data.
  • User-friendly command-line interface.
  • Quick and efficient access to comprehensive cryptocurrency data.


  1. cargo build --release to build the cgtool binary.

To use cgtool, run the following commands depending on the information you seek:


    -h, --help       Print help information
    -V, --version    Print version information

    help                Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    market-cap          Find out which token ranks n-th in terms of market cap. Such as `cgtool
                        market-cap 100 jpy` or `cgtool market-cap 100`, default vs_currency is
    price-query         Query token price by token names. Such as `cgtool price-query
                        bitcoin,ethereum usd,cny true`
    token-market-cap    Query the market cap of a specified tokens.
    token-query         Query token name by symbol. Such as `cgtool token-query btc`

Project Status

Please note that cgtool is currently under active development and is not yet at a 1.0 release. Features and commands are subject to change.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.