
Make stream pipeline a little easier to use(objectMode only)

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Make stream pipeline a little easier to use(objectMode only).


Forward errors along the pipeline

Consider the following code snippet:

  .on('error', e => console.error(e));

This is a normal use case of stream pipelines. You would only catch the error emitted by stream3, because errors do not forward in node official stream implementation. This package makes a little effort and forward all the errors for you.

new Train()
  .on('error', e => {
    // all errors emitted by stream1, stream2, stream3 would come here

Won't break pipeline when error occurs

When the target stream encounts an error, the source stream will invoke .unpipe() method that will disconnect itself from the target stream, then the whole pipeline breaks. But in real world, we use streams with { objectMode: true } to process object that is completely isolated from each other. If one fails, we just do some logs and expect the pipeline to go on. This package does the trick for you.

new Train()
  .push(through2.obj(function(chunk, enc, cb) {
    this.emit('error', new Error('oops!'));
  .push(through2.obj(function(chunk, enc, cb) {
    console.log(chunk); // haha
  .on('error', e => {
    console.error(e.message);  // oops!


$ npm i stream-train --save



  • options.seed: Original object you want to pass down to the stream pipeline, optional.
const Train = require('stream-train');
const file = { path: '/Users/foo/a.js' };
new Train({ seed: file })
  .push(through2.obj(function(file, enc, cb) {
    console.log(file.path);  // /Users/foo/a.js

Notice: Seed is optional, think of what you want to do. If you use a stream that can read by itself(such as vfs.src), then there is no need to set seed.


Append a stream instance to internal list, it's chainable.


Prepend a stream instance to internal list, it's chainable.


Delete a stream instance from internal list, it's chainable.


Sometimes we may add additional steps according to some condition, this api allows you to add stream conditionally.

new Train()


Invoked when condition block need to close. It has to be paired with .if().


Start the pipeline, accept optional argument callback which is invoked when pipeline finish. Return a Promise.



Emitted when any stream in the pipeline emit error event.


Emitted when any stream in the pipeline emit info event.


Emitted when pipeline finish piping.