#Calculator Coding Task

A RPN Calculator Will only know operations of +,-,*,/,sqrt,undo,clear,numbers Will arithmetic to scale of 15 Will display numbers to scale of 10 Will stop if meet unknown, insufficient params, or empty calculator

Demoed bdd test with minimal codes and testing logics Demoed sqrt to high scale Demoed using Command pattern in Spring way

#Running the code

Running from maven

cd {project_root}
mvn spring-boot:run

Running in a microservice

cd {project_root}
mvn clean install
cd {project_root}/target
java -jar calculator-0.0.1.jar

Running in eclipse

Right click com.airwallex.Application Run As / Java Application

#Running the tests

Integration Test

Right click com.airwallex.cucumber.CalculatorIntegrationTest.java Run As / Junit Test Feature is defined at calculator.feature

Mock Test

Omitted here.

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