
hsbc payment coding task

Primary LanguageJava

#Payment Java Coding Task

#####The program
load payments from an optional initialFile
then take input from user
will abort if initial file is invalid
will continue if user type is invalid
will print payment every 10 secs
will print USD if exchangeRate is setup
will not print payment if net is 0
will not print USD if no exchangeRate is setup

#####User input can only be
of 2 entries
Currency of 3 chars
Amount of integer
eg: "USD 100", "quit"
ps: Don't worry about the exception trace if input is of wrong format, they are just logs.

#####Config in application.yml
payment.service.pollingInMil   for printing rate, default 10sec
payment.service.exchangeRate   for adding/deleting exchange rate, default {"AUD":1.2,"HKD":6.5,"CNY":6.0}
payment.service.initialFile   for default initial file, default #TO BE OVERRIDEN#

#Running the code

#####running from maven cd {project_root}
mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.arguments="--payment.service.initialFile=file:src/test/resources/initial.txt"

#####or running in a microservice cd {project_root}
mvn clean install
cd {project_root}/target
java -jar payment-0.0.1.jar --payment.service.initialFile=file:../src/test/resources/initial.txt

#####or running in eclipse if you dont want to supply initialFile
Right click com.hsbc.Application
Run As / Java Application

if you want to supply initialFile
Right click com.hsbc.Application
Run As / Run Configurations...
Java Application / Arguments / Program arguments
put "--payment.service.initialFile=file:D:/workspace/hsbc/payment/src/test/resources/initial.txt"
Click Run

#Running the tests

#####BDD Integration Test I've decided to use Cucumber to demo integration test by specification/behavior.
Scenarios are self-explain. Testing code is concise/minimal.
Feature file: payment_service.feature
StepDef: com.hsbc.payment.cucumber.PaymentServiceStepDefs

Right click com.hsbc.payment.cucumber.PaymentServiceIT
Run As / Junit Test

#####Unit Test I've also done a unit test to demo the diff between traditional unit/integration test and bdd test.
Testing code is not self-explain and not concise/minimal.

Right click com.hsbc.payment.mock.PaymentServiceTest
Run As / Junit Test

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