
Demo metal texture rendering within flutter app

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Demo metal texture rendering within flutter app.

Note: the GIF is janky, but that's due to the GIF being a GIF

Flutter Metal Texture Demo GIF

Flutter renders widgets, one of which is a Texture widget. It sends a message to the Swift host, which creates a CVPixelBuffer linked to a metal MTLTexture.

It then starts a render-loop, linked to the display refresh rate with CVDisplayLink and renders a quad with a mock increasing tick uniform.

The idea is to benchmark and spike using flutter for widget rendering while having visuals rendered using a different strategy.

Some parts were based on https://github.com/mogol/opengl_texture_widget_example

CPU Usage

Not a proper measurement, just quick glancing at the activity monitor.

Flutter version: 2.8.0-3.1.pre

Performance seems fine, but CPU usage is relatively high.

Rendering Texture(textureId: id) linked to the display's frame-rate causes CPU usage to hover at around 16% on my computer to tick the render loop.

For reference, an empty view app uses 2% CPU idle.

Most of the time is spent in Flutter's internal rendering code.

Wrapping its tree on a RepaintBoundary seems to improve this by 2-4%.

One improvement would be to stop the render loop when an app goes into the background.

Rendering 5 textures at the same time pushes CPU up to around 30%. It might be possible to say each texture after the first is causing a ~4% CPU usage increase.

I'd imagine some CPU usage is caused by the Swift render loop I wrote & could be optimised a bit more.