
Configures vanilla RHEL system to be lightweight and bulletproof seedbox running rTorrent and ruTorrent. It aims to be secure (SELinux, SSL, Fail2Ban enabled) and creates very few logs (zero footprint).


  • It is expected, that you have a brand new RHEL system and have Ansible access sorted out - including working sudo. You can use my role luckylittle/ansible-role-create-user for passwordless SSH access and sudo.

Role Variables


  • set_timezone - change the time zone of the server
  • set_google_dns - if true, it will add Google DNS to the primary interface
  • epel_dl - URL of the EPEL RPM
  • xmlrpc_dl - URL of the XMLRPC
  • libtorrent_dl - URL of the libtorrent
  • rtorrent_dl - URL of the rtorrent
  • rtorrent_port - what port should rtorrent listen on
  • rt_memory_max_set - how much memory should rTorrent use by default. It is using 75% of your total memory by default.
  • ftp_port - what port should vsftpd listen on
  • pasv_port_range - what port range should be used for FTP PASV
  • single_user - when true only one FTP user will be used and it is the same username who runs this playbook. When false, this file is used
  • rutorrent_dl - URL of the ruTorrent
  • https_port - what port should rutorrent listen on
  • htpasswd - HTTP basic password to log in to ruTorrent interface
  • fail2ban_ignore_ipv4 - what IPv4 address should be excluded from being banned by Fail2Ban
  • require_reboot - does the machine require reboot after the playbook is finished

Note: Lot of the tasks rely on remote_user / ansible_user variable (user who logs in to the remote machine via Ansible). For example, it creates directory structure under that user.



Example Playbook

echo 'password1' > password

ansible-playbook -i inventory --vault-password-file=password site.yml

- hosts: seedbox
  remote_user: redhat
    - ansible-role-zero-footprint-ruT-seedbox


On a brand new RHEL8.6, 1x vCPU, 4GB RAM playbook took 18m 32s to finish.



Author Information

Lucian Maly <>