SSH Sandboxing over the network using Python3. you can create your own server which provides Docker containers
to the requests. It won't easily crash with simultaneous requests due to the implementation of multi-threading in sockets.
Tested on Kalirolling. Luna project is made to overcome the problem of providing Linux systems at a place (University Lab) where hosts are using Windows Machines and Time is short to install Linux in each System.
LUNA will work from one system which has Linux installed in it (to fulfil the requirements of docker to run Linux containers over a Linux kernel host only) and will serve other systems.
- Easy to read & customize
- SSH direct connection through (
) - Interactive panel for quick results
- Colorful output
- ubuntu, KaliLinux and RedHat available
- Error handling over the network
- container_storage, container_timeout etc can vary
- memory-efficient
- setup is easy (
- clone the repository on the server machine and Client machine
❯ git clone
- setup the server machine
❯ chmod +x ./
❯ ./
- start the server
❯ python3
- let the client choose
❯ python3
Note: default port started by the server is 1337
, you can change it in
Note: add UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
to your ssh_config to prevent host identification error while connecting to container's ssh
- Boxes with more utilities & Tools
- Maybe privileged containers (where you can interact with kernel drives)
- auditing features