
Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


The best comparer in Linux Terminal

forthebadge made-with-python

GitHub license

Aalu is the comparer that compares data (string/files). Written in Python, easy to customizable.


  • Boolean result
  • Verbose output
  • Pass string or file to be compared as a string
  • ASCII Data comparison as well as Binary Data support
  • Fast and efficient as used the arguments as input.
  • Interactive shell coming soon.

Installation & Run

python3 aalu.py --help
  • Compare two strings
python3 aalu.py -f 'string1' 'string2' -m a -c
  • Compare two files It will look for the file of the given arguments. if the file exists then it will read from the file otherwise it will take it as a string.
python3 aalu.py -f '/tmp/1.txt' 'string2' -m a -c
  • Hex mode (binary data) Takes the input as binary data. (not just printable chars this time)
python3 aalu.py -f '/tmp/file1.txt' '/tmp/file2.txt' -m h -c
  • Verbose mode
python3 aalu.py -f 'string1' 'string2' -m a -v