
A way to compete with two(or more) people doing wanikani together

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A way to compete with two(or more) people doing Wanikani together

Init setup

Install ruby version(on mac I used rbenv)

run gem install bundler

run gem install rails (version 7 at this time)

run bundle install

run rails db:migrate

run server with rails s

on your browser go to localhost:3000

  • Ruby version 3.1.2
  • Rails version 7.0.7
  • System dependencies mysql
  • Configuration TBD
  • Database creation TBD
  • Database initialization TBD
  • How to run the test suite TBD
  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.) TBD
  • Deployment instructions TBD