
A high-performance SVG renderer, powered by Rust based resvg and napi-rs.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


GitHub CI Status npm version

resvg-js is a high-performance SVG renderer and toolkit, powered by Rust based resvg and napi-rs.


  • Fast, safe and zero dependencies!
  • Convert SVG to PNG, includes cropping, scaling and setting the background color.
  • Support system fonts and custom fonts in SVG text.
  • v2: Gets the width and height of the SVG and the generated PNG.
  • v2: Support for outputting simplified SVG strings, such as converting shapes(rect, circle, etc) to <path>.
  • v2: Support WebAssembly.
  • No need for node-gyp and postinstall, the .node file has been compiled for you.
  • Cross-platform support, including Apple M1.


We now recommend using the 2.0 beta, and the API is largely stable. Which brings Wasm and many more new features.

npm i @resvg/resvg-js@next


npm i @resvg/resvg-js

This example will load Source Han Serif, and then render the SVG to PNG.

node example/index.js

Loaded 1 font faces in 0ms.
Font './example/SourceHanSerifCN-Light-subset.ttf':0 found in 0.006ms.
✨ Done in 55.65491008758545 ms
Anime girl SVG
CC BY 3.0: Niabot
Anime girl png
CC BY 3.0: Niabot



const { promises } = require('fs')
const { join } = require('path')
const { performance } = require('perf_hooks')

const { render } = require('@resvg/resvg-js')

async function main() {
  const svg = await promises.readFile(join(__dirname, './text.svg'))
  const t = performance.now()
  const pngData = render(svg, {
    background: 'rgba(238, 235, 230, .9)',
    fitTo: {
      mode: 'width',
      value: 1200,
    font: {
      fontFiles: ['./example/SourceHanSerifCN-Light-subset.ttf'], // Load custom fonts.
      loadSystemFonts: false, // It will be faster to disable loading system fonts.
      defaultFontFamily: 'Source Han Serif CN Light',
    logLevel: 'debug',
  console.info('✨ Done in', performance.now() - t, 'ms')

  await promises.writeFile(join(__dirname, './text-out.png'), pngData)



Although we support the use of Wasm packages in Node.js, this is not recommended. The native addon performs better.

Browser(ES Modules)

import { render, initWasm } from '@resvg/resvg-wasm'
;(async function () {
  // The Wasm must be initialized first,
  await initWasm(fetch('/your/path/index_bg.wasm'))
  const opts = {
    fitTo: {
      mode: 'width', // If you need to change the size
      value: 800,

  const svg = '<svg> ... </svg>' // input svg, String or Uint8Array
  const png = render(svg, opts) // PNG data, Uint8Array
  const svgUrl = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([png], { type: 'image/png' }))
  document.getElementById('output').src = svgUrl

See playground.


Running "resize width" suite...
    12 ops/s, ±22.66%   | fastest 🚀

    9 ops/s, ±64.52%    | 25% slower

    7 ops/s, ±3.72%    | 41.67% slower

  svg2img(canvg and node-canvas):
    6 ops/s, ±16.94%    | slowest, 50% slower

Support matrix

node12 node14 node16 npm
Windows x64 npm version
Windows x32 npm version
Windows arm64 npm version
macOS x64 npm version
macOS arm64(M1) npm version
Linux x64 gnu npm version
Linux x64 musl npm version
Linux arm gnu npm version
Linux arm64 gnu npm version
Linux arm64 musl npm version
Android arm64 npm version
Android armv7 npm version

Test or Contributing

  • Install latest Rust
  • Install Node.js@10+ which fully supported Node-API
  • Install wasm-pack
    curl https://rustwasm.github.io/wasm-pack/installer/init.sh -sSf | sh

Build Node.js bindings

npm i
npm run build
npm test

Build WebAssembly bindings

npm i
npm run build:wasm
npm run test:wasm


I will consider implementing the following features, if you happen to be interested, please feel free to discuss with me or submit a PR.

  • Support async API
  • Upgrade to napi-rs v2
  • Support WebAssembly
  • Output usvg-simplified SVG string
  • Support for getting SVG Bounding box
  • Support for generating more lossless bitmap formats, e.g. avif, webp, JPEG XL

Release package

We use GitHub actions to automatically publish npm packages.

# 1.0.0 => 1.0.1
npm version patch

# or 1.0.0 => 1.1.0
npm version minor



Copyright (c) 2021-present, yisibl(一丝)