
👨‍💻Like Postman, but for gRPC: web based GUI client for gRPC Development Testing

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


👨‍💻Like Postman, but for gRPC: web based GUI client for gRPC Development Testing

Turn gRPCli into web based UI, extremely easy to use


  • Recognize and provide list of services and methods inside it as an options.
  • Automatically recognize schema input and compose it into JSON based. (ensure your gRPC server supports server reflection). Examples for how to set up server reflection can be found here.
  • Save established connection, and reuse it for next invoke/request (also can close/restart connection)
  • Support request metadata.
  • Support load test to method.


Docker Compose

docker-compose up

if you're using docker and want to connect gRPC on your local machine, then use
host.docker.internal:<your gRPC port> instead of localhost


if you have golang installed on your local machine, just run command

make start

configure app preferences by editing config.env file

var usage type unit
MAX_LIFE_CONN maximum idle time connection before closed number minute
TICK_CLOSE_CONN ticker interval to sweep expired connection number second

set value 0 (zero) to disable auto close idle connection.


gRPCox Demo

gRPCox Demo