
My cheat codes

MIT LicenseMIT


My cheat codes

1. GIT

1.1. How can I determine when a Git branch was created?

To find the first commit in a branch that is not present in the parent of the branch (i.e., the first unique commit in the branch), you can use the following command:

git log --graph --oneline --boundary <branch> ^<branch>^@ --pretty='%C(cyan)%ad %C(yellow)%h %C(cyan)%d %Creset%s'

Replace with the name of your branch. This command utilizes the --boundary option to display commits that are in the branch but not in the parent of the branch. The ^ symbol is used to negate the commit (indicating "not in the parent"), and ^@ represents all reachable commits from the specified commit. This will provide a graphical visualization and a summarized list of commits that are unique to the branch, showing the first commit different from the branch's parent.

1.2. How check commit that are in a branch and not in other?

A -- E - F - G master - B - C - D fix

git log master..fix  


git log master...fix

B C D and E F G

git <orig>..<dest> --graph  --date-order --pretty='%C(cyan)%ad %C(yellow)%h %C(cyan)%d %Creset%s'