
Parse user input from cli.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tiny function who parse user data from CLI

NPM version Package size Dependencies devDependencies Status code style: prettier


Features ✨

  • Parse, split commands and options entry by user.
  • Return simple object.

Install 🐙

npm i argv-user-input

Usage 💡

#!/usr/bin/env node
import parseArgvData from 'argv-user-input';
const argvs = parseArgvData();


With no commands or options.

$ foo.js 
  commands: [],
  options: {},

With commands and no option.

$ foo.js start test
  commands: ['start', 'test'],
  options: {},

With commands and options.

$ foo.js start test --skip -p ./dev
  commands: ['start', 'test'],
  options: {
    skip: true,
    p: './dev'

With option and no command.

$ foo.js --name=foo
  commands: [],
  options: {
    name: 'foo'

Contributing 🍰

Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request. Thank you to all the people who already contributed to this project!

Maintainers 👷

List of maintainers, replace all href, src attributes by your maintainers datas.

Tostee Lucas
Tostee Lucas


License ⚖️


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