
Learn the ReactJs ecosystem by practicing 🔬 🔬

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Little projects to training with ReactJs.


A list of the actual projects on this repo.

  • Simple counter - A little project to get started with React by creating a simple counter, check the code here -> projects/counter/.
  • Todo app - A todo app with some features to go further with React, check the code here -> projects/todo/.

Getting started

First you have to fork and clone the project on your own machine after that you have to installed all the dependencies, to do that run this command:

npm install

This will create the node_modules folder who contains all the dependencies that you need.

Note - Work with any versions of NodeJs and NPM.

Start a project

To start a project after you've installed the dependencies enter one command on the list below in your terminal:

  • Simple counter - Enter npm run start-counter.
  • Todo app - Enter npm run start-counter.