
A chef recipe for the amazing Varnish Agent Dashboard (A real time Varnish Cache metrics dashboard)

Primary LanguageRuby


A chef recipe for the amazing Varnish Agent Dashboard (A real time Varnish Cache metrics dashboard).


You just need to add the varnish recipe (https://github.com/opscode-cookbooks/varnish) and make sure you will install varnish 3.0 or higher by updating the attributes.rb file:

#default['varnish']['version'] = "2.1"
default['varnish']['version'] = "3.0"

What does this recipe do?

  1. Install automatically the Varnish Agent 2 (*), a small daemon meant to communicate with Varnish and other varnish-related services to allow remote control and monitoring of Varnish

  2. Clone the Varnish Dashboard project (from @pbruna) (**)

  3. Execute the Varnish Agent pointing to the Dashboard project.

(*): https://github.com/varnish/vagent2 (**): https://github.com/pbruna/Varnish-Agent-Dashboard

How to use it?

  • Add the varnish recipe
  • Update the varnish version to 3.0 or higher
  • Add this recipe chef-varnish-dashboard
  • Go to http://yourproject.com:6085/html/
  • It will ask you for a user/pass, enter the one you defined at the attributes/default.rb file
  • Voila!

Tested in:

  • Ubuntu (precise 64)
  • Let me know if you try this recipe in another OS!

Need help?

You can contact me on twitter: @theluctus