
All you need to start a new (and fresh) Rails + rbenv + Nginx + Passenger + Vagrant project.

Primary LanguageRuby

#rails-vagrant-starter Stories in Ready

All you need to start a new Rails / Nginx / Passenger / Mysql project with Vagrant and Chef.

Just clone this repo, change the origin and type vagrant up

###What am I going to install (with chef)?

  • ruby 2.2.0 (rbenv)
  • rails (latest stable version)
  • passenger 5.0.0.rc2
  • mysql (user: root | pass: admin)
  • nginx 1.7.10

###Ok, What should I do?

$ git clone git@github.com:luctus/rails-vagrant-starter.git my_app
$ cd my_app
my_app $ git remote set-url origin my_app_repo_url
my_app $ git push
my_app $ cd vagrant

Now update the file at vagrant/Vagrantfile, changing the name of the VM, from "STARTER" to a new referring your project, so this line:

vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--name", "STARTER"]

should be like this one:

vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--name", "MY_APP"]

You are ready to go, just type (and wait):

my_app/vagrant $ vagrant up

Once it ends, let's go into the VM and create the rails project:

my_app/vagrant $ vagrant ssh
vagrant $ cd /starter
starter $ gem update --system
starter $ rails new ../starter
starter $ bundle install --no-deployment; bundle install --deployment
starter $ bin/rake db:create
starter $ touch tmp/restart.txt

Now visit the ip defined in the Vagrantfile in your browser.

What's next?

  • You should delete the README.md file (because you'll see this one!)


If you have any question about the propuse of this repo or anything else, just create an issue.