
Sample source code for Demonstration, Experiment and Test

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


デモ、実験、テスト用 Demo, Experiment and Test

License (ライセンス)

  • The MIT License (MIT)
  • MIT ライセンスの下で公開する、オープンソース、フリーソフトウェアです。

Dependencies Libraries and Products (依存ライブラリとプロダクト)

License: The Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)

Author: Paul Jenkins; Jake Ginnivan; Brendan Forster (shiftkey); Alex Mitchell (Amrykid); Dennis Daume (flagbug); Jan Karger (punker76)

Principal Use: Apply Metro style for application window

License: The MIT License (MIT)

Author: Laurent Bugnion

Principal Use: Support to develop WPF application by using MVVM Software Architecture

License: The BSD 3-Clause License

Author: shimat

Principal Use: OpenCV wrapper to use in .NET Framework

License: The Apache License 2.0

Author: Microsoft

Principal Use: It provides the simple way to use asynchronous and event for LINQ

License: The MIT License (MIT)

Author: Grabacr07

Principal Use: Add theme like Visual Studio to WPF window