
WPBin is a simple Wordpress code sharing site. It links your code to the appropriate Wordpress docs.

Primary LanguagePHP


Build Status

http://wpbin.io is just the coolest Wordpress paste site, you know?


The project builds on Laravel 7.x

Development and testing can easily be spun up by using SQLite and the built in PHP webserver.

Make sure your .env file has DB_CONNECTION set to sqlite.

Run migrations with php artisan migrate, which sets up the database tables for you.

Then start up the artisan server with php artisan serve, you now have a functioning local development version.

If you would like to have the WordPress function references included, please use php artisan scrape:tags and watch in awe.

Et voila!

PHP and javaScript

To build the JavaScript and CSS resources start by installing the dependencies with npm install.

Once you are done, you can build everything using npm run build, you can also start a watcher with npm run watch.