
Primary LanguageClojure

BB - Backup Batteries

Some utils, that are useful sometimes.

Clojars Project

This is the same as better-cond.core/cond in the better-cond library, but with support of running in babashka (by removing the dependency on clojure.spec).

Usage is exactly the same as better-cond:

(ns example.core
   (:require [bb.clojure :as bb]))

   (odd? a) 1
   :let [a (quot a 2)]
   :when-let [x (fn-which-may-return-falsey a),
              y (fn-which-may-return-falsey (* 2 a))]
   :when-some [b (fn-which-may-return-nil x),
               c (fn-which-may-return-nil y)]
   :when (seq x)
   :do (println x)
   (odd? (+ x y)) 2

Other funtions in better-cond family are also included:

  • bb.clojure/when-let*
  • bb.clojure/when-some*
  • bb.clojure/if-some*
  • bb.clojure/if-let*

Setting up debux intgration for the better-cond family of macros in clojure/clojurescript.

Usage: simply require the bb.debux namespace somewhere in your code. (Even if you use it in clojurescript, you still have to import it in a .clj file, e.g. dev/src/user.clj.)

Some custom meander syntax sugars.

Add a data reader #sp for scope-capture

Provides path manipulation functions like:

  • bb.path/join
  • bb.path/basename
  • bb.path/dirname
  • bb.path/exists?

A better alternative is babashka.fs.

A few utils functions for spawning a child process.

A better alternative is babashka.process.

Some string utils.