
Where I will track my programming practice (leetcode, ICPC, etc.). Follow my journey here!

Primary LanguageC++


Where I will track my programming practice (leetcode, ICPC, etc.) to stay accountable. Follow my journey here!

12/1 - 12/25 2023 Advent of Code Since... I don't have an actual advent calendar, I thought this would be a pretty good substitute! Each day, I will attempt to solve the problem at https://adventofcode.com/2023 (my username is lucywu12) I will say it might get questionable because of finals and life, but I will do my best

12/12: Fertilizer

  • Puzzle 1 I was really inspired to take this one on! What i liked that i did was not iterate over all the numbers...but just my seeds! However, I ran into a lot of issues figuring out how to read in the file (stringstream is very underrated) Major logic issue was applying the transformations after each line Fixed that by assigning to a temp array and then copying back to my seed array to avoid overwriting and confusing the transformation

12/1: Trebuchet

  • Puzzle 1 This was super fun! I actually got it exactly right on the first try which has never happened for me before. Hopefully I can keep this up!
  • Puzzle 2


  • Game of Life (on LC): SOLVED (0 ms, 7.24 mb) I liked that I made a separate function to take care of the live/dead conditions. I also think this is much better than the time I had to program it in MATLB, although some parts of it I feel are slightly redundant. Big mistake was not declaring a tmp array since all values should be updated at the very end. Another big mistake was not declaring an else case inside a for loop (value wasn't getting updated...) Other than that it was an enjoyable exercise

  • Queens Attack Kings (on LC): ATTEMPTED This one was a lot harder for me for some reason I think I struggled most with the vector push_back because I needed a way to store the most optimal but in a vector there's not really a good way to overwrite it once it's in there Logically, this was similar to GOL so I kind of employed a similar edge case logic there


  • Max Distance: SOLVED (62 ms, 100 kb) I ran into a couple of compilation errors initially, but I eventually figured it out. I malloced arrays since you can't really initialize an array of n in C++, but I wonder if there are other ways to solve this. There were also faster runtimes, but I wonder if this had to do with malloc as well or if there is something else I can try.