CoffeeOps Intro

Hi, welcome to CoffeeOps! Thanks so much for joining us, we're really happy to you're here.

This repo is a place for new folks to learn more about how CoffeeOps meetups are run, for CoffeeOps leaders to reference best practices and processes, and for everyone to get inspired by some past topics.

Topic inspiration

You absolutely don't need to have a topic ready in order to come to CoffeeOps. But there are many past topics that are evergreen or that we didn't have time to talk about that would be great to propose! Peruse the screenshots from our past meetups and see if anything catches your eye. Here are a few that stood out to us.

Evergreen topics

  • What qualities or skills do you appreciate most in your co-workers?
  • How do I learn new technology?
  • What are you learning? What's new in the tech industry?
  • Career advice! Progression, titles, where to work, how to get hired, etc.
  • Agile and how you work: how much is ticketed? Points? Ceremonies?
  • Fun projects you've worked on recently

Of interest

  • How do you measure DevOps maturity?
  • Service-oriented architecture: are people still doing [micro|nano] services
  • Do you use mutliple cloud providers? Compare and contrast?
  • How do you switch text editors? Or operating systems?
  • How do you know you're working on the most important things?
  • ...and more!

Running a room

If you find yourself leading a room (or a whole meetup!) here's a checklist to make sure you don't miss anything:

  • Invite anyone new to the Slack
  • Announce the Code of Conduct
  • Explain the meetup flow if anyone is new


  • Everyone raises their hand in Zoom, and lowers once they've introduced themselves
  • Include pronouns!