
My own vimrc

Primary LanguageVim Script


My personal vim setup.

Good for python, changes quite often as I'm experimenting a lot.
Relies on YCM for autocompletion. ALE for linters, fixers and navigation.

Colorscheme: Zenburn, low contrast and relaxing colors.

Don't hesitate to use it/comment.


Install should be automatic for all plugins except YouCompleteMe.

For the latter, run the follow: apt install build-essential cmake vim-nox python3-dev apt install mono-complete golang nodejs default-jdk npm cd ~/.vim/plugged/YouCompleteMe python3 install.py --all

For ALE, you need to install your linters/fixers in your environment. For us: pip install pylint flake8 pyright black isort. Run vim from your environment.


Searching for patterns

You can use vimgrep /pattern/g **/*.py and check the results in the quicklist (:cw).
We might switch to fzf as some point.

Going to implementation

gd will open the file with the function in a vertical split.

Resolving git conflicts

  • Gvdiffsplit! (! for 3 way merge)
  • diffget //2 or //3 (2: left buffer, target branch, 3: right buffer, merge branch)
  • Switch between conflict markers: ]c and [c
  • Apply entire content from one branch: switch to branch and then Gwrite!

Navigating csv files

  • VertFold column_number hide column_number first columns