
Create a new release for your repo, with a commit changelog.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status PyPI version Maintained BuyMeCoffee

Create a new release for your repository, with a commit changelog.

This will create a new release for your repository.
In the description of that release it will list all commits since the last release.


python3 -m pip install -U reporeleaser

Example usage

reporeleaser --token aaabbbccc111222333 --repo reporeleaser --release minor

This example will create a new release for reporeleaser with this information:

Tag name: 0.1.0

Release name: 0.1.0

Release description:

## Changes

- Use regex to find previous tag
- Fix error handing for missing regex match
- Split code into multiple methods
- Create default tag_sha for last_release
- Add failsafe for new_commits
- use username and not name
- Use login not username
- correct versioning for major / minor

[Full Changelog][changelog]


This release was created with [reporeleaser][reporeleaser] :tada:

[reporeleaser]: https://pypi.org/project/reporeleaser/
[changelog]: https://github.com/ludeeus/reporeleaser/compare/0.0.4...0.1.0

NB!: it is recommended to run it one time with --test option to make sure the data is correct.

CLI options

option --token

A personal access token for your GitHub account.
This token needs at least access to the repo\public_repo scope.

You can create a new token in the Developer settings.


You should have 1 access token pr integration you use.

Example: --token aaabbbccc111222333

option --repo

The name of the repository you are creating a release for.
The structure needs to be ludeeus/reporeleaser, if this repository are on your user account, you can just use reporeleaser.


  • --repo ludeeus/reporeleaser
  • --repo reporeleaser

option --release

This is the type of release you are doing, this will be used to create the new tag with the correct version number.

Possible values:

  • major
  • minor
  • patch

If you do not follow this schema for you tags you can use a custom one.

Example: --release patch

Example for custom: --release v.1.1.1

option --test

This option is a flag.

When this is enabled, a release will not be created/published.

This will print to the console how the release will look, giving you a chance to look things over.

option --draft

This option is a flag.

This creates a release draft instead of publishing the release, this can be useful if you need to add more/change the text in the release description.

option --prerelease

This option is a flag.

This creates a release pre-release instead of publishing the release.

option --show_sha

This option is a flag.

When this is enabled every commit line in the release description will be prefixed by the first 7 characters in the sha, which GitHub turns in to a link to that commit.

An example of this can be seen here https://github.com/ludeeus/reporeleaser/releases/tag/0.3.0

option --add_gitlab_ci_badge

Adds a badge for the build status of the release. This should be followed by the repository path in GitLab. The structure should be the same as the --repo i.e. ludeeus/reporeleaser.

Example: --add_gitlab_ci_badge ludeeus/reporeleaser

option --title

The name you want to use for your release, this defaults to the tag name.

If your name contains spaces you need to add quotes around it.

Example: --title "My Release Title"

option --hide_footer

This option is a flag.

By default this will be added to the bottom of every release created with this tool.


This release was created with [reporeleaser][reporeleaser] :tada:

[reporeleaser]: https://pypi.org/project/reporeleaser/

You create releases for your projects, so you should be in control, but it's much appreciated if you leave this in.

By enabling this flag, this will not be added.

option --hide_full_changelog

This option is a flag.

By default this will be added to the bottom of every release created with this tool.
The link will automatically be updated to match the repository and the correct diff for this release.

[Full Changelog][changelog]

[changelog]: https://github.com/ludeeus/reporeleaser/compare/1.0.0...1.1.0

By enabling this flag, this will not be added.

option --version

This option is a flag.

Prints the installed version of reporeleaser.

option --help

Show available options.