
A Quill component for React and more maturely. Support markdown, images upload, table, code...

Primary LanguageJavaScript



As an outstanding and popular open-source rich text editor, Quill has a good data structure, API, and plugin system. However, due to years of difficult updates and outdated plugins, there is an urgent need for a Quill rich text editor that can be used for production, meet the experience and extension, can be customized, and can be oriented towards commercialization.



  • Use the latest quill@2.0.2. Implement using React Hooks, TS support, and Rollup packaging.
  • Images support local upload and image Url insertion, and can limit the format and size before.
  • All images support Base64 display, and can be uploaded remotely in the background. If fail, can click to upload again. Images support copying and dragging to insertion.
  • Image support for resizing, aligning, adding notes, deleting, scrolling to remove overlayer.
  • Refactoring Link Tooltip to add more actions.
  • Support for inputing markdown directly.
  • Code blocks support language selection, copying, and code line labeling.
  • Table supports toolbar selection of size, right-click for more options and new icons.
  • Support for multilingual Tooltip prompts when Icon hover.
  • Internationalization: Supports both Chinese and English configurations, and supports Chinese fonts
  • When using IME and other input methods (such as Pinyin), placeholders can disappear in a timely manner
  • Automatically recognize input or copy URLs as LinkBlot.
  • Other bugfix: Unable to input list in table, upload images in table, recognize ordered list, cannot delete blocks such as code and table, unable to save image location, etc.


npm install quill-react-commercial --save
# or
yarn add quill-react-commercial

Quick Start

import RichTextEditor from 'quill-react-commercial';
import 'quill-react-commercial/lib/index.css';

<RichTextEditor modules={{ table: {}, codeHighlight: true }} />
  • UMD / CDN: window.quillReactCommercial will get this Component. Demo in example folder
<script src="../dist/quill-react-commercial.min.js"></script>


Properties(Refer to TS definition)

1. modules:Required,Object;Each key can be false when not needed
  codeHighlight?: true,
  table?: {
    operationMenu?: {
      insertColumnRight?: {
    		text: 'Insert Column Right',
    }, // Generally not required 
    backgroundColors?: {
      colors?: ['#4a90e2', '#999'], // backgroundcolor of table cell, default: ['#dbc8ff', '#6918b4', '#4a90e2', '#999', '#fff']
      text?: 'Background Colors', // default: 'Background Colors'
    toolBarOptions?: {
      dialogRows?: 3, // default: 9
      dialogColumns?: 4, // default: 9
      i18?: 'en',
    }, // when click table in toorbar, the configs of the dialog
  }, // default: false
  imageResize?: true, // default: true
  imageDrop?: true, // default: true
  magicUrl?: true, // Automatically recognize URLs, emails, etc., and add LinkBlot; default: true
  markdown?: true, // Automatically support markdown and convert to rich text; default: true
  link?: true, // default: true
  imageHandler: {
    imgUploadApi?: (formData: FormData) => Promise<string>; // Image upload API, it should return a Promise with a URL when resolve
    uploadSuccCB?: (data: unknown) => void; // callback when success
    uploadFailCB?: (error: unknown) => void; // callback when failure
    imgRemarkPre?: 'Fig. '; // Leading string for the image remark, and can be deleted
    maxSize?: 2; // The maximum size for uploading local images, in MB, defaults to 5MB
    imageAccept?: string; // Acceptable image types for uploading local images, default: 'image/png, image/gif, image/jpeg, image/bmp, image/x-icon'
  toolbarOptions?: [][]; // Customize the required toolbar icons & order

Default value of modules.table.operationMenu

  insertColumnRight: {
    text: 'Insert Column Right',
  insertColumnLeft: {
    text: 'Insert Column Left',
  insertRowUp: {
    text: 'Insert Row Above',
  insertRowDown: {
    text: 'Insert Row Below',
  mergeCells: {
    text: 'Merge Selected Cells',
  unmergeCells: {
    text: 'Unmerge Cells',
  deleteColumn: {
    text: 'Delete Columns',
  deleteRow: {
    text: 'Delete Rows',
  deleteTable: {
    text: 'Delete Table',


modules.imageHandler: If not defined, the default inserted image will be converted to base64 and stored in Delta image

Demo of modules.toolbarOptionse. Details in https://quilljs.com/docs/modules/toolbar/

const toolbarOptions = [
      ['undo', 'redo', 'clean'],
      [{ font: ['wsYaHei', 'songTi', 'serif', 'arial'] }, { size: ['12px', '14px', '18px', '36px'] }],
      [{ color: [] }, { background: [] }],
      ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike'],
      [{ list: 'ordered' }, { list: 'bullet' }, { list: 'check' }, { indent: '-1' }, { indent: '+1' }, { align: [] }],
      ['blockquote', 'code-block', 'link','image', { script: 'sub' }, { script: 'super' }, 'table', 'divider'],

Default of modules.codeHighlight, and you can change it. Or welcome your PR.

  { key: 'plain', label: 'Plain' },
  { key: 'javascript', label: 'Javascript' },
  { key: 'java', label: 'Java' },
  { key: 'python', label: 'Python' },
  { key: 'cpp', label: 'C++/C' },
  { key: 'csharp', label: 'C#' },
  { key: 'php', label: 'PHP' },
  { key: 'sql', label: 'SQL' },
  { key: 'json', label: 'JSON' },
  { key: 'bash', label: 'Bash' },
  { key: 'go', label: 'Go' },
  { key: 'objectivec', label: 'Object-C' },
  { key: 'xml', label: 'Html/xml' },
  { key: 'css', label: 'CSS' },
  { key: 'ruby', label: 'Ruby' },
  { key: 'swift', label: 'Swift' },
  { key: 'scala', label: 'Scala' },
2. placeholder:Option,string; placeholder of editor

3. getQuill:Option,function; param is the instance of Quill

instance's API:https://quilljs.com/docs/api/

const quill = useRef(null);
const getQuill = (quillIns) => {
  quill.current = quillIns;
}; // quill.current will has all quill's API:https://quilljs.com/docs/api/
// example
const content = quill.current?.getContent(); // get the content of editor
const text = quill.current?.getText(); // get all text of editor

4. content:Option,Delta / string; initial data of editor

// Delta
<RichTextEditor modules={{ table: {}, codeHighlight: true }} getQuill={getQuill} content={JSON.parse("{\"ops\":[{\"insert\":\"Hello quill-react-commercial!\\n\"}]}")} />

// string of html
<RichTextEditor modules={{ table: {}, codeHighlight: true }} getQuill={getQuill} content={'<h1>Hello quill-react-commercial!</h1>'} />

5. readOnly:Option,boolean;default value: false

6. onChange:Option,function;(Refer to TS definition)

7. onFocus:Option,function;(Refer to TS definition)

8. onBlur:Option,function;(Refer to TS definition)

9. i18n?: 'en' | 'zh'; Option; International;default value: 'en'

10. style?: CSSProperties;

11. onSave: Option, function;

Other Issues

  1. How to switch code highlighting color styles

Default use highlight.js xcode.css.

import 'highlight.js/styles/darcula.css';


<link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/10.1.2/styles/androidstudio.min.css">

How to develop & Welcome your PR.

When debugging the editor function, you can execute yarn example to package static resources for index.html use, and open index.html in browser.

  • Modifying the JS, Less, and other features of the editor itself allows for hot updates, but the browser needs to be refreshed
  • Modifying the JS in the example will not re babel, but requires re executing the yarn example
  • Rollup packaging will be used after 1.3.7 to avoid the problem of introducing redundant configuration into SVG caused by previous tsc and webpack packaging