

The perfect WordPress-Timber starter theme.


  • Wordpress
  • Composer
  • npm | yarn


Go to your themes folder and

$ git clone https://github.com/ludescher/timber-starter-theme.git <theme-name>
$ cd <theme-name>
$ composer install
$ npm install

Now setup webpack and you're ready to go.


# compile assets once
$ yarn encore dev

# or, recompile assets automatically when files change
$ yarn encore dev --watch

# on deploy, create a production build
$ yarn encore production

Change "WORDPRESS" to your sitename.

// webpack.config.js
if (!Encore.isProduction()) {
    const BrowserSyncPlugin = require('browser-sync-webpack-plugin')
        new BrowserSyncPlugin({
            // browse to http://localhost:3000/ during development,
            // ./public directory is being served
            host: '',
            proxy: 'http://localhost/WORDPRESS/',
            port: 3000,
            //server: { baseDir: ['public'] }

Finally, activate the Timber plugin!


Caching is now disabled by default

Note: you should enable caching in Production!

// functions.php

 * Cache the Twig File (but not the data)
Timber::$cache = false;


You can manage all needed Theme settings in


Registering a menu etc.

Post Types

If you need any custom post types, you can easily create a file in the post_types directory.



Same goes for taxonomies.


Controller (heavily inspired by symfony)

Im using Annotation for handling routing names and paths. Caching is supported and it depends on WP_DEBUG, if WP_DEBUG is enabled, caching is disabled and vice versa (for the development process, it is recommended to enable WP_DEBUG).

The Controller-Interface saves its Routes in a global variable, you can render those routes with the just added Twig-Functions url("routename") and path("routename").

// src/Controller/DefaultController.php

namespace src\Controller;

use lib\Controller;
use lib\Annotation\Route;

class DefaultController extends Controller {
     * @Route("/test/{id}/list/", name="test_list_item", methods={"GET"})
    public function testListItemAction(\WP_REST_Request $request) {
        $id = $request->get_params("id");

        return $this->render("post.twig", ["id" => $id]);

With the new Controller you have access to

 * redirect the user to another page
 * @param String $routename
 * @param Array $args
 * Compile a Twig file.
 * Passes data to a Twig file and returns the output.
 * @param String $twig_file_name
 * @param Array $options
 * @return String
 * redirect the user to another page
 * @param String $url
 * @param Bool $permanent
 * get current user
 * get user by id
 * @param Int $id
 * @return User
 * generate the url to another page
 * @param String $routename
 * @param Array $args
 * @return String

and there is more to come!