
📬 Knowing the Node.js and features:

💻 What have I learned at the end of this module?

🚀 What is a API?
🚀 What is the Node.js?
🚀 Where Node.js can be used
🚀 Advantages of Node.js
🚀 v8 Engine
🚀 The operation of Node.js

💻 Creating a Node.js application:

🚀 Starting a project Node.js
🚀 Add Express
🚀 node_modules
🚀 Starting the Express
🚀 Executing the Application
🚀 Routes and Methods HTTP
🚀 Method GET
🚀 Route Params
🚀 Query Params
🚀 Nodemon
🚀 Insomnia
🚀 Method POST
🚀 Body Params
🚀 Organizing the Project Structure
🚀 Controllers
🚀 Users Controller
🚀 HTTP Codes
🚀 Understanding Middlewares
🚀 Using Middleware
🚀 AppError
🚀 Handling Exceptions
🚀 Configuring the Insomnia

💻 What I learned after completing this module:

💡 Start a project Node.js; 💡 Add Express to Project; 💡 What is the folder node_modules; 💡 Routes; 💡 Methods HTTP; 💡 Route Params; 💡 Query Params; 💡 Installation and use of nodemon; 💡 Installation and use of Insomnia; 💡 Body Params; 💡 Controller; 💡 HTTP Status Codes; 💡 Middleware; 💡 Dealing with errors in the API;


🚀 What is a Database
🚀 Database Structure
🚀 Connecting to the database
🚀 Creating a User Table
🚀 Alter
🚀 Command DDL
🚀 Manipulating Data
🚀 Migrations
🚀 Select
🚀 Registering User
🚀 Encrypting a user password
🚀 Updating User
🚀 Updating Password
🚀 Bank Datetime
🚀 Validating Name and Email

💻 What I learned after completing this module:

💡 What is a database; 💡 How to connect to a database SQLite; 💡 Using the tool Beekeper Studio; 💡 Commands DML; 💡 Commands DDL; 💡 Migrations; 💡 Make queries in SQL; 💡 Encrypt passwords in the database; 💡 Validations in back-end;

💻 Query Builder

🚀 What is SQL Query Builder
🚀 Installing Knex.js
🚀 Configuring Knex.js
🚀 Concept of Migrations
🚀 Migrations for Notes
🚀 NPM vs NPX
🚀 Primary key e Foreign key
🚀 Cardinality
🚀 Operator Like
🚀 Filtro WhereIn
🚀 Concept of Inner Join
🚀 Applying Inner Join
🚀 Map e Filter

💻 What I learned after completing this module:

💡 SQL Query Builder; 💡 Install Knex/js; 💡 Configure Knex.js; 💡 NPM vs NPX; 💡 Primary Key; 💡 Foreign Key; 💡 Cardinality; 💡 Inner Join; 💡 Map e Filter;

Stage 8 I used 👇

sqlite logo nodejs logo javascript logo


🛠 Junior Web Developer | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | ReactJS | NodeJS | Full Stack Developer Jr.
📍 São Jose dos Campos – SP - Brazil

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🎁 Acknowledgements and dedications

Thank you #Rocketseat team