
Remote debugging with VS Code to a Raspberry PI using .NET Core and Microsoft IoT

Primary LanguageC#

Remote debugging with VS Code to a Raspberry PI using .NET Core and Microsoft IoT

This project display the Raspberry CPU temperature from a remote VS Code (windows or linux). It use Microsoft .NET Core and Iot.Device.Bindings. It's a sample project that will help you to start developping Iot apps on your Raspberry PI.

Getting Started

Connect your raspery with an ethernet cable, clone this repository, edit the 2 files: launch.json and tasks.json (see below), run it and you are done! You should see the CPU temperature of your Rasberry PI from your VsCode Terminal. Note: during the first run you will need to give execution access to the executable.


The things you need before installing running this project.

  • .NET Core 3.1
  • pscp
  • plink

Iot.Device.Bindings will be restored automatically.


A step by step guide that will tell you how to get the development environment up and running.

//Replace <USER> and <PASSWORD> by your Raspberry user and password in the following files:
// .vscode/launch.json in pipeArgs section:
"pipeArgs": [

// .vscode/tasks.json in args section:
"args" : [

Then in the first installation you will need to create manually the folder RaspberryIotSample in the Rasberry and give execution right to the exec file: ~/RaspberryIotSample/RaspberryIotSample.

That is all! You can now run and debug this simple program from VsCode in remote!


An issue ? Do not hesitate to open an issue on github, i will try my best to help you :)