
Component-wrapper for collapse animation with react-motion for elements with variable (and dynamic) height

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



npm install --save react react-spring @ludofischer/react-springy-collapse

Don't forget to manually install peer dependencies (react, react-spring).


Default behaviour, never unmounts content

import {Collapse} from '@ludofischer/react-springy-collapse';

// ...
<Collapse isOpened={true || false}>
  <div>Random content</div>

If you want to unmount collapsed content, use Unmount component provided as:

import {UnmountClosed} from '@ludofischer/react-springy-collapse';

// ...
<UnmountClosed isOpened={true || false}>
  <div>Random content</div>


isOpened: boolean

Expands or collapses content.

children: ReactChildren

One or multiple children with static, variable or dynamic height.

<Collapse isOpened={true}>
  <p>Paragraph of text</p>
  <p>Another paragraph is also OK</p>
  <p>Images and any other content are ok too</p>
  <img src="nyancat.gif" />

springConfig: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.number)

Custom config {tension, friction} passed to the spring function (see http://react-spring.surge.sh/spring#config)

import {config} from 'react-spring';

<Collapse isOpened={true} springConfig={config.wobbly}>
  <div>Wobbly animated container</div>
<Collapse isOpened={true} springConfig={{tension: 100, friction: 20}}>
  <div>Customly animated container</div>

className: string

It is possible to set className for the extra div element that ReactCollapse creates.


<Collapse className="collapse">
  <div>Customly animated container</div>

Which ends up in the following markup:

<div className="collapse">

NOTE: these are not style objects, but class names!

onRest: PropTypes.func

Performs some action when the animation end. Same as in react-spring. See http://react-spring.surge.sh/spring#props

<Collapse onRest={() => console.log(123)}>
  <div>Container text</div>

onFrame: PropTypes.func

Same as react-spring: http://react-spring.surge.sh/spring#props

Pass-through props

All other props are applied to a container that is being resized. So it is possible to pass style or className, for example.

<Collapse isOpened={true}
  style={{width: 200, border: '1px solid red'}}

    Animated container has red border, 200px width
    and has `class="collapse"`

Behaviour notes

  • initially opened Collapse elements will be statically rendered with no animation
  • Overriding overflow and height styles may behave unexpectedly. Do it only when you definitely know you need it, otherwise, never override overflow and height styles.

Development and testing

Currently is being developed and tested with Node 10 on OSX.

To run example covering all features, use npm start, which will compile example/Example.js

npm install
npm start

# then
open http://localhost:8080

to run ESLint check

npm run lint




react-collapse for tests and the original implementation.