git clone
Developing a CRUD Web App is just an excuse. The aim of this project is to gather, in a single place, useful front and back ends development tools:
- A Database with SQLite;
- A Web API server with .NET Core 3.x;
- A client App in React with Hooks;
- A link to an external service for identity management, authorization, and API security.
cd <myfolder>/Server
dotnet run
cd <myfolder>/client
npm install
npm start
- SQLite database powered by:
- Server based on API mechanisms of:
- React client inspired by the work of: Tania Rascia
- Handling data with React Hooks inspired by the work of: Robin Wieruch
- Identity service powered by:
- Identity client borrowed from: AxaGuilDev
- CSS borrowed from: Raphaël Goetter
- SVG borrowed from:
cd <myfolder>
sqlite3 Server/App_Data/stuff.db < Server/App_Data/create_tables.sql
cd <myfolder>
dotnet new gitignore
dotnet new webapi -n Server
dotnet new xunit -n Server.UnitTest
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
cd <myfolder>/Server
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Data Source=App_Data/stuff.db" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite \
--output-dir DbModels --context-dir DbModels --context StuffDbContext --force
cd <myfolder>/Server.UnitTest
dotnet restore
dotnet build
dotnet test
dotnet test /p:CollectCoverage=true
cd <myfolder>/Server
dotnet run
cd <myfolder>
npx create-react-app client
cd <myfolder>/client
npm install
npm start
The last line of the file:
must be:
- Creating a record in the SQLite database stuff.db running Linux on Azure;
- The "real" error (not displayed in Production) is: SQLite Error 5: 'database is locked';
- There is a restricted write access to the file on Linux web app when running on Azure.
How to solve:
- ==> Either use a real database or deploy the web app on Azure choosing Windows OS.
- Running the React client App (
npm start
); - Connecting to: http://localhost:3000/.
How to solve:
- ==> Create the database stuff.db (
sqlite3 Server/App_Data/stuff.db < Server/App_Data/create_tables.sql
- Running the React client App (
npm start
); - Connecting to: http://localhost:3000/.
How to solve:
- ==> Start the .NET Core server (
dotnet run
) before the React client App (npm start
- Running the .NET Core server (dotnet run);
- Connecting to: http://localhost:5000/swagger;
- Or connecting to its redirection: https://localhost:5001/swagger.
How to solve:
- ==> Click "Advanced settings" button;
- ==> Click on the link to continue to the assumed unsafe localhost site;
- ==> Accept self-signed localhost certificate.
- Browsing the web site on a Azure Windows instance.
How to solve:
- ==> Add the web.config file since you've got IIS running;
- ==> On Linux, the web.config file is useless (Update your http headers according to the suitable Web Server configuration file).